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( Or as it may be more commonly known: " You haven't picked up a brush in nearly two years you sodding git! Now knock back a pint and get to it! )

[ And yes, the voices screaming at me in my head all have British and Irish accents. ]


That having been said, this is the relaunch of my website. Different look. Different host. Different distillery. There are some new paintings and sketches up as well as a few forays in to digital media and the abstract arena.


Additionally, I will also be using this site to help promote other artists. Be they painters, photographers, writers, poets, sculptors, film makers, actors, or the odd musician(s).  If they've been unfortunate enough to cross my path and do something I think is cool, you'll read about it here.


Oh, almost forgot . I don't have all the details worked out yet but I will be attempting some horribly shot and badly edited online tutorial videos so that you too can create  horrible art as badly as me.


That's all for now, visit often so you can watch this new chapter unfold.  ( No I don't know how you fold a chapter to begin with.)

" Either I need a stove with more burners or I need to start eating from smaller plates. "


    Well, here we are again. A few updates. Above is my most recent piece entitled: " Just Borrowing it..."  After having retrieved the contents of my art studio from it's temporary location on the other side of the state (Much thanks to the caretakers) I'm back to late night painting with a side of not sleeping much. On the upside painting is more productive than sleeping. Now if i could just get a better handle on prioritizing which to work on. I've got several unfinished pieces that  just kinda haunt the back of my brain, a few pieces yet to be started... the list goes on. In addition I have been tapped to attempt to bring a novel to life in graphic form.   I'm excited about the idea. If my sequential storytelling skills matched my level of excitement I would in fact be well on my way. I'm finding that certain skills fade over time if you don't use them. Could be that I'm just my own worst critic I suppose, but I just can't seem to create the panel(s) that I think I should create ( you know what they say 39th time's the charm).  Tutorial videos are still in the development stages. Stay tuned for more updates and enjoy!!!



    Well, 2014 has come and gone and not left me too much the worse for wear and I hope the same can be said of you.  This holiday season has given me time to think about what the early settlers must have endured during the harsh winters. And the celebrations they must've enjoyed.  Invariably, there had to be "that one guy" that you invite over but hope he doesn't show up and of course... he does, so by nightfall someone has bludgeoned the fat bastard , tied a rock to his leg and thrown him in a lake. Gee I love the holidays.  This all led as I'm sure you've guessed by now to the creation of my latest piece entitled:  "Should've used an Axe".  Hope you enjoy, Check back for more updates soon.

So much for a winter wonderland.  

Here it is two weeks into January and hardly any snowfall in the area. I shouldn't be complaining I know, but at least when it snows, it's warmer.  Right now, I could cut glass as soon as I open the door.  Which means I can stay inside and paint. ( Fine, I guess there's an upside.)  That having been said, I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to my latest illustration. Entitled "Stay Frosty", this is something of a collaborative work in that it was spawned from a sketching session where in I had a 7 year old looking over my shoulder telling me what to draw.  Strange place the mind of children, even stranger once I get done with what comes out of it.  ( That sounded much less sinister in my head).  Anyway, hope you enjoy it as much as I did painting it.

Well it's been a while...

     Lots of time has passed since my last update. Lots going on. Working, traveling, reading, learning, plotting, planning (yes they are different). Lots of time sketching and researching.  

     There will be more frequent updates to come to the site as work is finished.  A few changes are in the works as well.  

     I'm happy to announce that I'm now able to offer prints on  canvas.  Availability varries.  Email me at  for sizes and prices.

     Now, with that I give you my latest work. One of my favourite litterary works is  "The Devine Comedy".  This piece is inspired by it and a few other sources.  Hope you enjoy.

STARDATE: 94213.15


     After months of considderation and and diliberation,  I have finally finished a piece that has plagued me for some time.  (And by "finally" I mean it's been finished for about two months and I just haven't had the chance to add it to the website.)  

     I love history. Particularly European history. Especially pertaining to the Celtic peoples.   This piece is simply titled: "QUEEN BOUDICCA"( ... or  Boadicea if you prefer).   Queen of the Iceni tribe of East Anglia.  My depiction here is of the morning before her last battle.  A quiet, serene, peaceful, moment of the peace and freedom she wanted for her people.

16th, September 2016

     Autumn is probably my favourite time of year.  Carnivals, county fairs, the smell of cotton candy and corn dogs, the creaking of old rides that shouldn't be in use, leaves changing color, old horror movies, the blood curdling screams of children... (well the last one is good anytime of year).

     Since were coming up on Autumn, its time to roll out a few new paintings that fit the season. I'm hoping to be able to put one up every couple of weeks or so 'till Halloween at least.

     Also in the coming weeks I'll be posting a step by step tutorial of how I do what I do. Should be fun stuff.

     So with that I present my latest work: " My Smile Still Stays On"

hope you enjoy. See you next time.

24th, September, 2016

     It's no secret that I have a penchant for old movies, ( and if it was for some of you ... well the proverbial cat is out of the bag).  There' just something about "Old Hollywood" that's missing from modern film.  Noir mysteries kept you guessing. Thrillers kept you on the edge of your seat. Comedies were funny not because of shock value but because of genuine humor.

     My favorites have always been Sci-fi and Horror films...( and Musicals but thats just between you and me).  Sci-fi films used to have a way of transporting you to other worlds despite the bad acting and cheesy special effects. Atom bombs made giant monsters. Rocket ships saved humanity from itself.  And the guy in the lab coat was always up to no good.

     And then there were the Horror films. Lugosi, Cheneys Jr and Sr, Karloff.  Actual acting behind the makeup. Truly frightening monsters filmed in a way that allowed your mind to fill in the blanks of what was happening without having to resort to gore to get the point across. 

     Needless to say I miss the days of Old Hollywood film making.  So, between that and the time of year I've started work on a series of paintings dedicated to those old movies I grew up watching on TV on Saturday afternoon.    First of which is Karloff as his most famous roll:   " Frankenstein's Monster"

     This is the time of year for all things haunting and scary.  Ghosts and goblins, ghouls of all  sort. Monsters, mayhem, and mischief.  Everyone thinks of horror movies and the classic monsters that made them scream and squirm in their seats.  What about the TV shows of the sixties that were little more than monster shows. I loved reruns   of the Munsters and the Addams Family  when I was a kid. Lost in Space,  the original Star Trek, even My Favorite Martian.  Great shows that all too often go by the wayside or a "re-wrote" to modernize them and destroy what was good about them.  

     With that rant out of the way, one of  my favourite characters from The Addams Family.  It.

08, October 2016

       Yet another update .  These things are starting to become a regular ... well... thing .    Days are getting shorter and shorter... Good thing I work at night . 

     As I write this I'm putting the finishing touches on the next sketches for the series of paintings I've been working on dedicated to classic Horror and Sci-Fi characters as well as developing a few sketches for more surreal pieces latter on.

     Still have some work to do on getting the official shop page up and running, for now though you can still contact me direct by email at:  for pricing and availability.

     In addition to the canvas prints I'm also able to offer Giclee prints on archival paper.

     I'll be ready to post the step by step  page I've  referred to right around the 1st of the year.

    And lastly, with the paint barely dry,  the next in my Horror and Sci-Fi series.  No Halloween would be complete without tribute to arguably one of the greatest films  to ever grace the silver screen,  from The Rocky Horror Picture Show  -  Dr. Frank -N- Furter !

31, October  2016

     Well, Halloween is over. Dia deLos Muertos and Veterans Day have passed and now were starring down the barrel of ... Thanksgiving!  Yet somehow, at least in my neck of the woods it still doesn't feel quite like fall. 60 degree temperatures and sunny days where usually there's snow on the ground.  Not that I'm complaining mind you. 

     Without further adieou  I've finished another in the Horror and Sci-Fi series I've been working on.   I present to you:  The Bride

17, November 2016

     Well, there it is in big red letters. Apparently this is the most offensive thing you can say this time of year.... who knew?  If anyone reading this was offended by the above yuletide statement... I'm glad. Clearly you needed to be offended today and I'm just happy I was able to provide that service for you. :-) 

      Still working on Horror and Sci-Fi portraits as well as a couple surprises.  

      So to wrap it up, whether you celebrate Yule, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, St. Nicholas Day, Ramadan, or the Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe... From Our Family to yours... Enjoy some:       ORC SLOBBER


                                                                     (hehe gotcha' again)


     Just a quick update.  Lots going on.   Hope  everyone survived the Holidays, especially with St. Patrick's having just passed ;-)  Working on several pieces right now, including a couple for an upcoming show in August.  I'll keep you updated as to exactly when and where. 

     In the meantime here's another from the Horror and Sci-Fi collection.  I give you:  The Creature !  Enjoy!

25, March, 2017

     Wow, ok soooo... It's been about 6 months since I've done an update, apologies to anyone that cares. Right so, there was the prospect of a "Show" coming up... didn't happen. Not sure who's at fault for that.  I was told I was going to have a certain  amount of space. I created a series of paintings ( that I'm pretty pleased with)  based on the initial guidelines I was given.  Turned out the space was different. Broken up. So the images I created would  NOT have the intended impact if they were hung that way.   I was given the option to still hang despite the fact, but I could not bring myself to do so as I felt it would be sacrificing my integrity as an artist for the whim of a jerk-off of a wine bar owner.  I would also preface this by saying that I had an initial idea that consisted of some mixed media works of jazz musicians, and then with the passing of Chris Cornell... the concept changed.  I still managed to create within the dimensions I was given... there was miscommunication from the beginning as to available space.  Space doesn't always mean available structure. 

      So in the meantime I've been working on a few things. Some more of my classic sci-fi/horror series and conceptualizing a couple of more surreal pieces.   In the interim here's one of the classic horror pieces I've be working on. Hope you like it.      THE INVISIBLE MAN

September 15, 2017

      It's me again. Just taking a minute to upload another painting and do a quick update.  Still plugging away on several different projects, added a new one to the mix because sometimes you just stumble across a reference photo that just kinda shouts at you and so you go get another canvas and some paint... like you do when pictures shout at you ... while you're sober.   No, really I was.   Also still working on getting a local showing as soon as I find out anything you'll be the first to know.

     Now, this piece is a long overdue companion piece to a painting I did close to this time last year entitled : " My Smile Still Stays On " .  I had intended to do this sooner but well, "things happen", as they say. In large part I was hesitant in that I was dithering as to choice of color palette. 

     Luckily inspiration struck in the form of  a childhood memory.  When I was a kid growing up in central California, I was lucky in that my grandparents lived but 5 minutes from our house so I was able to see them often. Once or twice a week on the average. Their living room was decorated eclectically to say the least. Various trinkets and knickknacks on the valance over huge plate glass window , Jim Beam decanters on the mantle,  Japanese inspired art on one wall and on the wall over the sofa  - among other object de` arte -were two clown paintings. I can't really say for certain what else was on that wall but those damned clown paintings are burned into my memory.  So that being said I chose to use a palette similar to those paintings, an homage to my youth and dear memories of my grandparents.  I give you:  "Under the Make-up"

October 16th, 2017

     Well another Halloween is upon us, familiar smells of fall coupled with an all to foretelling chill permeate the air.  Children young and old are donning their masks and makeup, readying themselves for the nights festivities.  Eagerly awaiting the opportunity to survey the evenings spoils while warming frozen fingers with cups of hot coco, anticipating the scary movie they'll try to sneak out and watch once Mom and Dad have gone to bed.   I've always loved this time of year.  All the ghouls and goblins and things ominous and horrific.   To that  I've added another painting of one of the most famous ghouls of lovable ghouls :  FESTER.    



This is Halloween, this is Halloween...


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